Oh, Charlie…

Ever get so sick of a movie or TV show before it comes out because of all the ads for it no matter how many people say it’s great? Well I’m that way with Charlie Wilson’s War. The main reason I have concluded is Julia Roberts. If I have to hear that line “Oh, Charlie…” one more freaking time I’m going to reach through the TV and rip that god awful bleached blond wig off her head and duct tape her mouth shut. I know I’m not the only one who feels this way. One guy I know mocks that line every time hears it.

I’m not going to lie, I’m not the biggest Julia Roberts fan, but I can at least stand her for the most part. Not this time.

I know in advertising one of the biggest goal is the number of impressions, but I think this is the case of the large number of impressions is backfiring on it’s ass.


  1. […] Well the weekend box office estimates came out this afternoon and it looks like I wasn’t the only one who’s already sick of Charlie Wilson’s War. The film finished with an opening weekend total of about $9.6 million, good for 4th place behind […]

  2. I found this website because I typed in the line”Oh Charlie”. I typed it in because I hate the way she says that phrase every time the commercial comes on the tv or radio. It was about the sixth site that came up and I couldn’t agree with you more. The one line completely turned me off of this movie. We make fun of it constantly, but I do find myself repeating that line to bust Julia Robert’s balls every time my wife is in the room. She’s a huge Julia Roberts fan and she hates the commercial as well.

  3. Thanks for the comment Tom. One has to wonder who was the genius who thought it was a good idea to put that in everyone of the promos for the movie. That or it was put in by someone in the production department that was really pissed off and wanted to watch the movie fall on its ass.

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