I fell for It

Remember how Circuit City had DVD-Rs on sale? Well I went and got some, but that’s not all I got. I fell for the oldest trick inĀ  the retailing book: Bring them in with the cheap stuff and they’re bound to buy something esle. Because who wants to go to Circuit City and just buy 50 DVD-Rs for 6 bucks, especially when you have fresh Christmas cash in your pocket and it took you a good 15 minutes or so to get to the store? Not me. Of course I’m the same idiot that stood in line at 6 am on Black Friday last year at Best Buy to get a 100-pack of DVD-Rs for $8 and when they didn’t have any more of those left grabbed a 25-pack of LightScribe DVD-Rs solely because they would be nice to have for when I purchase a LightScribe DVD Burner in the future and then after standing in the checkout line for a good 20 minutes decided that I really didn’t need them. Looking back, I probably should have bought those LightScribe DVDs because last night I almost purchased a LightScribe Burner but didn’t because they were out of LightScribe DVD-Rs. So I bought a new audio-system for my computer instead.