There must be Something in the Water in New Hampshire

I’m still trying to wrap my head around how John McCain is doing as well as he is. Just six months ago he was one of the big two supporters of the proposed immigration bill often known as the “Amnesty Bill” that had so many calling to voice their outrage over it they crashed the Senate phone system. Six months ago just ago everyone who consider themselves “conservative” hated McCain’s guts.

It seems everyone has already forgotten, and of course McCain isn’t in a rush to remind anyone. I saw an ad of his saying that he makes a lot of people angry listing special interest group, friends of pork barrel spending and lobbyists. Not on the list, Americans who didn’t like his “Amnesty Bill.” And quite frankly I’m shocked that none of his opponents, particularly Mitt Romney, haven’t pointed that out yet.

Will Someone please shoot the Pollsters?

I have had enough of all these damn polls the media is shoving down our throats. They had been all wrong so far this year, not one of the people predicted to win in Iowa and N.H. have won. It’s time that all these pollsters just shut the hell up because you’re not doing anything useful.

I don’t want to hear poll numbers, I want to hear what the candidates position on issues is, something that is buried by all these damn polls!