We were First…

In a story we broke long before anyone else, Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner of the Michigan Democratic Primary with 55% of the vote. In second was Uncommitted with 40%. With this being by far the best showing yet for Uncommitted, he hopes he can use his performance in Michigan as a springboard for success in Nevada.

“This was a clear vote that people are not happy with the status-quo,” proclaimed Uncommitted at a support rally,”and we will take our message to Nevada and beyond!”

Hillary was unavailable for comment.

She did it agian…

This just in! Hillary Clinton had won her second primary of the 2008 Presidential race after being declared the winner of the Michigan Democratic Primary with 99% of the vote. Of course she was the only one on the ballot and the state has been stripped of all its delegates by the DNC for moving its primary before February 5th so it doesn’t really matter but that hasn’t dampened Clinton’s joy.

“This was a clear vote for change and experience,” say Clinton, “the people voice was heard and they said they wanted Hillary.”