
As Christmas, yes I said it, draws near, the Chia Pet ads are back in full force. As I sit there watching these ads, I wonder who in their right mind would give a Chia Pet as a gift? A gag gift maybe, in fact I hope that’s all they’re given as. Would anybody ever be thrilled if they get up on Christmas morning and unwrap a Chia Pet?

“Wow, thanks, I guess…”

Yes, you now have the delight of placing little seeds on the back of lamb and watch as they slowly grow over the next 3 to 5 days! After that, well at least it will look nice sitting on your window sill for the next couple months until all the plants die because you forgot to water it like that little herb garden that you were so proud of because it was going to save you untold amounts of money since you no longer had to buy herbs from the store. That turned out great, didn’t it? 

You might say I’m a little jealous that I didn’t come up with it first because the guy who did is a rich bitch. But that would be kind of hard since they came out before my birth. But still, the profit margins on those things must be killer. I don’t even want to do the math, it would make me sick.

Note to self: Create the next Chia Pet…