Tom Cruise is Crazy

Recently video of an interview Tom Cruise did to be shown when he was to be presented Scientology’s “Medal of Freedom.” It’s some pretty disturbing stuff he’s talks about, including that Scientologists are the foremost experts on the mind.

In addition, a group calling themselves the “Anonymous” posted a video on YouTube declaring war on Scientology. So far they have been able to crash the official Scientology website and hack the sites of several chapter websites.

Here’s the video:

It’s Been a Long Weekend

The Jackass has had a pretty busy weekend; so busy that I didn’t even touch a computer all weekend. It was actually quite refreshing not being dependent on technology to have a good time. But now it’s the recovery day and we’re all sitting around like a bunch of cult members that just drank special Kool-Aid.

On a side tangent, I wonder how the good people at Kool-Aid feel whenever another cult decides to use “Kool-Aid” as their preferred method of meeting the maker? I mean why is it always Kool-Aid? Kool-Aid isn’t the only powdered drink out there. It could it Gatorade, lemonade, some off-brand if the cult was a bunch of cheap-asses. No the media just calls it “Kool-Aid.”

Fellow Bloggers At Work

Here’s the video of the guys from Gizmondo’s prank at CES of turning off TVs with a TV B-Gon. As you can see it’s quite affective. I may have to get one.

Besides being funny as hell, the video points out one thing that had been bugging me. If you notice, the POWER bottom is in a pain is the ass shot to get to! Does it really kill the “coolness” of a flat-screen if you have one or two easy to get to buttons?!

On Vacation…

The Jackass is taking a weekend off. So don’t expect any new posts this weekend unless there is  something that really gets my goat. Where the hell did that phrase come from anyway?

Happy New Year

Now leave me alone, I have to work in the morning. We all can’t be slackers.

BTW, is Dick Clark ever going to die?!

A Week Later…

I’ve been blogging now for a week and what a week it was. The real John Chow actually visited my humble little site and commented one of my posts. Not John Chow was kind enough to visit and comment as well. The support team also stopped by and replied to my complaint about not being able to embed a video. And some of my posts ended on some of the weirdest websites. Oh, and some guy calling himself a Jedi tried to post a comment about how people can now live forever.

This is fun.

RSS Feed Added

Today the official 6 Angry Mules & 1 Jackass RSS feed was launched, powered by FeedBurner. To subscribe, simply click on the RSS logo on the left and follow the onscreen directions.

I guess no one reads blogs on Christmas…

Well I figured my traffic would drop on Christmas, but not as much as it did. My traffic dropped 900% from the 24th to the 25th.

Where the Hell did this come from…

Yesterday I was looking at my Blog Stats (I’m already addicted) and I notice that after only one full day of blogging I already have an incoming link. Sweet, I say. Everybody loves the incoming links, but I have no idea where the hell this one come from.

Out of pure curiously, I click on it and discover, well maybe you should look for yourself:

The Christmas Party! « Lafawndah55’s Weblog

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, below lines and lines of Grand Canyon University, cheap webhosting, and cheap MBA programs you will find the first paragraph of my post on the Clapper. There lies more of my confusion. What the hell does the Clapper have to do with MBA programs and why the hell is Lafawnah55’s Weblog appear to be nothing more than a single post in another blog?!

This shit is driving me crazy…

Hulu spoke up and said…

So the good people at found my recent post regarding that I was unable to embed one of their videos in this blog and were nice enough to give us the reason and according to them “…WordPress currently disables the Hulu embed code on their site. If you would like this feature added, I encourage you to email WordPress with your feedback.” Well, now that would explain it.

But now I would like WordPress’ side here. I like to be “Fair and Balanced” and as rich as Fox News.