Tom Cruise is Crazy

Recently video of an interview Tom Cruise did to be shown when he was to be presented Scientology’s “Medal of Freedom.” It’s some pretty disturbing stuff he’s talks about, including that Scientologists are the foremost experts on the mind.

In addition, a group calling themselves the “Anonymous” posted a video on YouTube declaring war on Scientology. So far they have been able to crash the official Scientology website and hack the sites of several chapter websites.

Here’s the video:

We were First…

In a story we broke long before anyone else, Hillary Clinton has been declared the winner of the Michigan Democratic Primary with 55% of the vote. In second was Uncommitted with 40%. With this being by far the best showing yet for Uncommitted, he hopes he can use his performance in Michigan as a springboard for success in Nevada.

“This was a clear vote that people are not happy with the status-quo,” proclaimed Uncommitted at a support rally,”and we will take our message to Nevada and beyond!”

Hillary was unavailable for comment.

This Jackass is Drooling

Unless you live in a cave or don’t give a shit about cars, you know that 2008 Detroit Auto Show is going on now. At the show Ford unveiled the final of 3 Verve concepts, this one a sedan meant for the US. 2010 can’t come soon enough.

Car and Driver Video

Fellow Bloggers At Work

Here’s the video of the guys from Gizmondo’s prank at CES of turning off TVs with a TV B-Gon. As you can see it’s quite affective. I may have to get one.

Besides being funny as hell, the video points out one thing that had been bugging me. If you notice, the POWER bottom is in a pain is the ass shot to get to! Does it really kill the “coolness” of a flat-screen if you have one or two easy to get to buttons?!

Dr. Phil, you suck!

I’m so damn sick of Dr. Phil. He’s a hack yet for some reason people listen to him like he’s a god, of course those people are the same ones who love Oprah. I bet most people don’t even know that he no longer has a license to practice anymore, that’s right the world’s most famous shrink is barred from practicing. You you want more just Wikipedia the S.O.B.

Now he’s on a quest to save Britney Spears. Go luck there pal. You can take the girl out of the trailer park, but you can’t take the trailer park out of the girl. It’s not Britney, its a family thing just look at her sister Jamie Lynn. C’mon the girl was bound to be messed up. Her parents named her after themselves and she has her dad’s name as her first name. So Doc if you are trying to help Brit maybe you should go look at the parents beforehand because they seem to be the source of the promblems, that or all the inbreeding…

She did it agian…

This just in! Hillary Clinton had won her second primary of the 2008 Presidential race after being declared the winner of the Michigan Democratic Primary with 99% of the vote. Of course she was the only one on the ballot and the state has been stripped of all its delegates by the DNC for moving its primary before February 5th so it doesn’t really matter but that hasn’t dampened Clinton’s joy.

“This was a clear vote for change and experience,” say Clinton, “the people voice was heard and they said they wanted Hillary.”