This Jackass is Drooling

Unless you live in a cave or don’t give a shit about cars, you know that 2008 Detroit Auto Show is going on now. At the show Ford unveiled the final of 3 Verve concepts, this one a sedan meant for the US. 2010 can’t come soon enough.

Car and Driver Video

Fellow Bloggers At Work

Here’s the video of the guys from Gizmondo’s prank at CES of turning off TVs with a TV B-Gon. As you can see it’s quite affective. I may have to get one.

Besides being funny as hell, the video points out one thing that had been bugging me. If you notice, the POWER bottom is in a pain is the ass shot to get to! Does it really kill the “coolness” of a flat-screen if you have one or two easy to get to buttons?!